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Black fungus

Yanbian forest area has rich natural resources and produces a lot of local specialties. It produces more than 800 kinds of medicinal plants. There live more than 250 kinds of wild animals. Yanbian is the place of origin for the “Three Treasures in Northeast China”, and “Four Mountain Treasures”. The three old treasures refers to ginseng, marten fur and pilos deer horn. The three new treasures are Rhodiola rosea, forest frog and Orobanche coerulescens. The four old mountain treasures are frog, bear’s paw, hedgehog hydnum and hazel grouse. The four new mountain treasures are tricholoma matsutake, yuan mushroom, pine nut and pheasant. These natural treasures are valuable and famous both at home and abroad.


Black fungus

Black fungus is a nutritious and delicious edible mushroom, and has good medical and medicinal effects. It is good for health, brain, lung, and can kill pains. It is a natural nourishing item. Because it can clean lungs, stomach and intestines, it is a must keep-fit food for textile workers and miners.

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