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Library holds symposium to better connect with readers

To strengthen communication with readers and provide better services to them, the Jilin Provincial Library held a special symposium recently to learn about the opinions and suggestions of readers.


At the meeting, eight readers expressed their recognition of the library for its rich collection of books, cozy environment, diverse reading promotion activities, and considerate everyday services. They also gave opinions and suggestions on how to further improve reader experience at the library. Some of the suggestions were adopted right on the spot and others would be studied further later.


Seven librarians from different divisions of the library told the stories that impressed them most working at the library and how they understood the profession of librarian.


The Party secretary of the library and three deputy curators talked about different aspects of reader services at the event, and explained the development, management and service philosophies as well as the mission and vision of the library.


While giving readers a better understanding of the library's work, the symposium was, more importantly, to hear opinions and suggestions, according to the senior management of the library.


The senior management also introduced the measures the library had taken to seek transformative development and the achievement made, saying the national honors the library had won would not have come without the support of its readers and the library would work more closely with its readers in the future to be a better place for reading.