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'A Desirable Winter in Jilin' Douyin hashtag challenge concludes

A hashtag challenge to promote winter tourism in Jilin on short video platform Douyin concluded on January 4 with big success.


Launched by the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the challenge invited Douyin users to publish short videos with the designated hashtag "A Desirable Winter in Jilin." 

By the time the month-long challenge ended, 1.5 million people published short videos with the hashtag, which received 4.5 billion views, 88 million likes and 11.5 million comments. 


The organizer also designed three interactive special effects for the challenge, which proved very popular among Douyin users, with over 13.4 million views and 530,000 likes registered.


To build on the popularity of the challenge to further promote winter tourism in Jilin, in the one week leading to the 2022 Spring Festival, the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will conduct both daytime and nighttime live streaming at the province's major scenic areas through its official Douyin account. Organizers will also be handing out gifts during the livestreaming events.